What is Radon?
Radon is a gas produced by the radioactive decay of the element
radium. Radioactive decay is a natural, spontaneous process in which an atom of
one element decays or breaks down to form another element by losing atomic
particles (protons, neutrons or electrons). When solid radium decays to form
radon gas, it loses two protons and two neutrons. These two protons and two
neutrons are called an alpha particle, which is a type of radiation. The
elements that produce radiation are referred to as radioactive. Radon itself is
radioactive because it also decays, losing an alpha particle and forming the
element polonium.
What is Radioactivity?
Radioactivity is the property of some atoms that causes them to
give off energy spontaneously as particles or rays. Radioactive atoms emit
ionizing radiation as they decay.
Why Some Atoms Are Radioactive?
The balance of the forces in the nucleus of an atom determines whether a nucleus
is stable or unstable (radioactive).
Atoms found in nature are either stable or unstable. An atom is stable if the
forces among the particles that make up the nucleus are balanced. An atom is
unstable or radioactive if these forces are unbalanced -- if the nucleus has an
excess of internal energy. Unstable atoms are called radionuclides. The
instability of a radionuclide's nucleus may result from an excess of either
neutrons or protons. An unstable nucleus will continually vibrate and contort
and, sooner or later, attempt to reach stability by some combination of means,
such as:
• ejecting neutrons and protons
• converting a neutron
to a proton (or vice versa) with the ejection of a beta particle or positron
• releasing additional energy by photon or gamma-ray emission
It is this release of energy or particles that can have a detrimental
effect on
one's health.
Decay Chains
Most naturally occurring radioactive materials and many fission
products undergo radioactive decay through a series of transformations, rather
than in a single step. Until the last step, these radionuclides emit energy or
particles with each transformation and become another radionuclide. This series
of decay, known as a decay chain, ends in a stable nuclide.
In the case of radon gas (radon-222) it begins with Uranium
(uranium-238) which is present in all soil. As it decays through a series
of steps to become stable, it changes and becomes another radionuclide with each
step. Radon too breaks down even further forming "Radon Decay Products",
which are also radioactive.
RDPs are different from actual radon in a few ways. The
characteristics of RDPs include:
• They are the source of cell damage in the lungs.
• They are short-lived products (less than 30 minutes), but
the most significant.
• They have static electrical charges.
• They are chemically reactive.
• They are solid particles, rather than gases, that act like
invisible aerosols in the air.
• They are classified as heavy metals.
These decay products capable of easily attaching themselves to
solid objects such as dust, smoke, walls, floors, clothing, or any other
objects. If the RDPs (Radon Decay Products) attach to surfaces, they are
no longer floating in the air and are of little concern. If they attach to
ducts or smoke particles, they can be carried into the lungs where they
can cause lung cancer.
Radon Danger
We measure radon in "picocurie per liter" (pCi/L); a unit of
radioactivity corresponding to an average of one decay every 27 seconds in a
volume of one liter of air.
The EPA has set a recognized value of 4 pCi/L as the
maximum average amout of radon gas before the need to use mitigation efforts in order to make
the air quality safer. The EPA estimates that radon is responsible for about
20,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States. Exposure to
radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon is
an odorless, tasteless and invisible gas produced by the decay of naturally
occurring uranium in soil and groundwater. Radon is a form of ionizing
radiation and a proven carcinogen.
Most of the epithelial cellular damage is not caused by breathing
in radon gas itself, which is removed from the lungs during exhalation, but by
radon's short-lived decay products (half-life measured in minutes or less).
When inhaled, these decay products may be deposited in the airways of the lungs.
The RDPs subsequently emit alpha particles as they decay further. The total
amount of energy emitted by the progeny is several hundred times that produced
in the initial decay of radon. The increased risk of lung cancer from radon
results primarily from these alpha particles irradiating lung tissue. When an
alpha particle passes through a cell's nucleus, the person's DNA is likely to be
damaged. More specifically, available data indicate that alpha particle
penetration of the cell's nucleus may cause genomic changes, most typically in
the form of point mutations and transformations.
How Does it Enter a Home?
Radon as a gas is able to migrate through the soil in into a structure.
There are four main factors that drive radon into homes. All of these factors
exist in most homes throughout the country.
1. Uranium is present in the soil nearly everywhere in the United States.
2. The soil is permeable enough to allow radon to migrate into the home
through the slab, basement or crawlspace.
3. Radon enters the basement for example through small holes, cracks,
plumbing penetrations or sumps.
4. An air-pressure difference between the basement or crawlspace and the
surrounding soil draws radon into the home. |
How To Test for Radon
Testing for the levels of radon is actually very easy to do.
A home owner can purchase a good test kit at the local hardware store for under
$30.00. These tests typically take 2 or 3 days to perform and then another
5 to 10 days to get the results because of the fact that the test kit must be
sent to a lab for
analysis and the lab has to respond with the test data.
In some instances this method works quite well, although in a real estate
transaction you may not be afforded that much time to present your findings.
The other method is to use a continuous radon monitoring system.
Continuous radon monitoring equipment, although very expensive, will provide an immediate dataset of the
radon quantities detected after the 48 hour test complete. These devices
will sample the air typically on an hourly basis and based on the average
quantity of radon detected over that period of time will provide enough
information to make an informed decision concerning the need for remediation
equipment to be installed without the delay of sending a test kit to a lab and
waiting for a response.
What Should I Do if Radon Levels Are High?
First it is important to realize that radon is a very common issue, at the
same time it should not be taken lightly. There are a number of ways to
remediate radon and one of common method used in existing homes is to
install an active sub-slab depressurization system as shown below. If
these systems are new to you take notice as you drive or walk around various
neighborhoods and you will find that they are common.
There are a number of different approaches to remediation of radon gases, this
being only one of many, although one of the more common in Denver and
surrounding areas. Of course, in the event that your home or perspective home
has a radon level higher than the recommended 4.0 pCi/L it would be wise to
consult with a radon remediation company as to the system they would recommend for your
specific application. Systems similar to the one shown here have an
average cost of $800 - $1200.00.
For a home seller, having an existing radon remediation system already installed
is a selling point.
For a perspective home buyer, the lack of radon remediation might be a point of
negotiation assuming a radon test comes back indicating a higher than expected
radon value. |
Where to Get More Information on Radon?
Our brief discussion has only highlighted some of the main points
with regard to radon. There are a number of fine resources to learn more
on the subject. Below are just a few suggestions: